Steam Slug - Buat sobat penggemar game shooter van akan share game shooter yang keren nie namanya Steam Slug, mungkin sebagian dari sobat banyak yang belum tahu Game Steam Slug ini karena Steam Slug memang kurang populer. Steam Slug di publish oleh Game Factory Interactive dan dirilies pada tahun 2009, Sobat penasaran dengan game Steam Slug simak saja langsung di bawah iniFree Download Game Steam Slug (PC/ENG/Repack) Gratis Link Mediafire cekidott.
Download Game Steam Slug (review) It is the world of Steam Slug, the world where in the end of XIX century history followed an alternative path and machines rose against the mankind. Smoking steam monsters with bleeding human brains encased in brass roam devastated cities and skies are blackened with mechanical creatures.
There is no place to go, the machines are everywhere and the only way of survival for you and for the mankind is to fight evil steam engines and to find the ultimate evil behind their creation – mysterious Mephistopheles. In the world of Steam Slug you have almost no chance of survival but death is not an option.
System requirements:
OS : Windows XP/Vista
Processor : Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz
RAM : 1 GB
VGA : GeForce 7600 or better
HDD : 3 GB
Download Game Steam Slug (review) It is the world of Steam Slug, the world where in the end of XIX century history followed an alternative path and machines rose against the mankind. Smoking steam monsters with bleeding human brains encased in brass roam devastated cities and skies are blackened with mechanical creatures.
There is no place to go, the machines are everywhere and the only way of survival for you and for the mankind is to fight evil steam engines and to find the ultimate evil behind their creation – mysterious Mephistopheles. In the world of Steam Slug you have almost no chance of survival but death is not an option.
System requirements:
OS : Windows XP/Vista
Processor : Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz
RAM : 1 GB
VGA : GeForce 7600 or better
HDD : 3 GB
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