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Sekilas Tentang Hendri Budi

Nama saya Hendri Budi, Saya seorang Pelajar yang masih duduk dibangku SMK walaupun tidak selamanya hehe. sedikit kata bijak, Muncul orang sukses datangnya bukan dari orang yang luar biasa, tetapi orang biasalah yang menciptakan sesuatu yang luar biasa (' ',)


Free Download Game Hentai Conquering The Queen

Written By Hendri Budi on Minggu, 27 Mei 2012 | 05.20

Game Hentai Conquering The Queen - Waah udah berapa hari ini van tidak share game buat sobat dikarenakan ada orderan Jasa Pembuatan Blog Iklan Baris hehehe, pada kesempatan kali ini van akan share Game Hentai atau Game SEX yaitu Conquering The QueenConquering The Queenmerupakan game hentai yang di publish di negara jepang seperti halnya game hentai lainnya, Sobat pasti sudah tidak sabar mau Download Game Hentai Conquering The Queen ini.

Conquering The Queen
Download Game Hentai Conquering The Queen (story) Our protagonist Vincent finds himself wandering around in the forest between two warring nations.
His plan: utilize his unparalleled skills with a blade to advance his standing in the world.
After hearing screaming and shouting off in the distance, he dashes over to investigate, only to find the ground littered with corpses clad in Katushan livery.
A group of bandits is advancing upon none other than the Princess Roxana of Katusha.
Realizing that this is the chance of a life time, Vincent draws his sword, cuts down the ruffians, and escorts the princess back to her castle.

Conquering The Queen
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 Ghz
The amount of free hard disk space: 8.45 GB
VGA : 256 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 2 GB


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